about you

Wherever your location at this moment, you are viewing this website because you are able to access the internet at your discretion. You can send and receive emails, be part of social networks that allow you to connect in a variety of ways, and build communities online. You can keep up with the news, buy and sell anything you want, manage your finances, learn new skills, or learn about projects like the Artistic Ensemble. The men you have seen or will see on this website cannot. Some have never accessed the internet because they have been incarcerated before the world wide web became our predominant means of communication.

In the links section you will find a list of initiatives, organizations, and resources. This is not a comprehensive list; however, it is a place to start getting involved. We encourage you to tell others about the Artistic Ensemble to learn more about mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline in the United States, and to find out what you can do to promote justice in your communities.

*Note: Should you wish to use any of the images on this site, please contact us. We ask that you credit the Artistic Ensemble of San Quentin in any materials shared.